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Unlock The Parent Power to Support Your Teen's Recovery From Anxiety
In a Psychologist-Led Programme

..,,.. even if your teen's anxiety feels uncontrollable, they struggle to open up and you feel the return to joyful family life is out of reach.

Sound familiar?...... 

Your teen is starting to withdraw from things they use to do such as school, social gatherings, and family meals.

Engaging in conversations is a constant struggle. You're walking on eggshells, unsure how to approach the topic of anxiety without making things worse.

Despite your best intentions, feelings of helplessness creep in as you try to help but witness your teen's battle with anxiety getting worse.

Managing your teen's anxiety has started to dominate your daily life, leaving little room for spontaneity.

Family relationships are becoming strained.

You want your teen to be happy and are committed to helping them but don't know what is going to make the difference.

You're searching for effective guidance and support to help your teen break free from anxiety's grip.

If this resonates with you, know that you're not alone.

You are who we help!"

.....You've been yearning for the anxiety to reduce, for your teen to find relief and peace to start getting back to their old self. But despite your unwavering efforts, you're not seeing the positive changes you both desperately need. In fact, as time goes by, it feels like things are getting progressively worse. The anxiety has stubbornly taken center stage, casting a shadow over your relationship, and you're left wondering where to turn next.

You've been pouring your heart into helping your teen, using all the tools in your parenting toolkit—offering reassurance, encouragement, tirelessly trying to fix things, and always striving to make their world better. Why? Because your love and concern for their well-being know no bounds..........                                                                

So Why Is It So Hard for Parents to Make a Difference?




While it may feel like a maze, anxiety follows a path that, once understood, reveals clear patterns and cycles. It's these very patterns that can catch parents and teens in what we call:



Parenting strategies that used to work wonders may suddenly seem ineffective or even counterproductive when anxiety intensifies. It's not that these strategies have lost their value; it's that anxiety requires a tailored approach, one that understands its nuances and predictable patterns.


Are You Caught in the Anxiety Trap? For many parents, the journey of navigating their teen's anxiety can be an exhausting and bewildering experience. Three common signs of being ensnared in The Anxiety Trap:


1. Feeling Stressed and Frustrated:

One of the earliest signs is the mounting stress and frustration that can creep into your daily life. It's natural to feel overwhelmed when you're faced with your teen's anxiety, but when typical parenting strategies seem to yield little results, the weight of anxiety can become burdensome.


2. Finding the Help You Offer to Your Teen Doesn't Make a Difference:

Perhaps you've tried offering plenty reassurance and encouragement yet your teen's anxiety persists. It's a common predicament for parents who, despite their best efforts, discover that the usual approaches may not effectively alleviate their teen's anxiety, leaving them feeling helpless.


3. Not Communicating or Having Lots of Arguments:

The impact of anxiety doesn't just stop at your teen—it ripples through the family. Ongoing struggles with anxiety can strain the parent-teen relationship, causing tension, conflicts, and a sense of disconnection.


Caught in "The Anxiety Trap"?

It's natural to seek a way out, aiming for the most effective support for your teen. This quest often leads parents to believe that only professionals—therapists, counselors, or psychologists—hold the key to alleviating their teen's anxiety.


The immediate thought is to pursue one-to-one therapy or counselling, whether through school, CAMHS, or private practice.

Is Professional Help the Only Answer for Your Teen's Anxiety?

Therapy offers teens valuable tools and strategies, akin to providing a torch to navigate through the darkness of anxiety. However, this approach sometimes misses a crucial aspect: the daunting nature of walking through that darkness alone.


Facing long waitlists for therapy means a delayed start to acquiring these essential tools. And once equipped, not every teen can seamlessly utilise them—like keeping the torch lit or navigating the path ahead when the darkness feels all-consuming.



Imagine, instead of watching them struggle to find their way, you're right there beside them. You're not just a guide but a companion who helps shine the light, change the batteries, and take each step together towards recovery. Whether they're receiving professional help or you're navigating this path together.


This becomes even more crucial if your teen isn’t receiving professional help. The belief that only therapists or counsellors can effect change is a common misconception. In reality, your role as a parent is incredibly powerful. Your daily interactions, the emotional climate you foster at home, and your approach to their anxiety play a crucial part in their ability to manage and overcome it.


Moreover, while professional help focuses on equipping your teen, it often leaves parents without the tools needed for day-to-day support. You're the one who's there in the everyday moments when anxiety strikes, ready to provide not just a reassuring presence but also practical, effective strategies tailored to your teen's needs.


Our approach recognises the unique role parents play in their teen's recovery. It’s about empowering you to be more than a bystander; it's about becoming an active participant, an ally equipped with the right strategies for those everyday moments that matter. By understanding the predictable patterns of anxiety and learning how you can intervene effectively, you become a key ally in your teen's journey to overcoming anxiety.



Imagine having the insights, tools, and strategies at your fingertips to effectively support your anxious teen. Envision yourself confidently navigating those tough moments with your teen, backed by knowledge and practical approaches that truly make a difference. What if you could be the guiding light they need, seamlessly integrating this support into your daily life?

Empowered Parenting:

The sense of helplessness fades away, replaced by a profound understanding of anxiety and how to combat it. You're no longer isolated but part of a vibrant community of parents on similar journeys. Sharing experiences and strategies enriches your approach, ensuring you never feel alone in this battle again.

A Home of Resilience and Peace:

Your home transforms from a battleground of anxiety into a sanctuary of peace and resilience. With a comprehensive toolbox of strategies, you confidently guide your teen through anxiety's challenges. The tension gives way to tranquility, fostering an environment where your teen can truly flourish.

A Future Unlocked:

Together, you and your teen step into a future where anxiety no longer casts a shadow over potential and happiness. Empowered with skills for resilience, your teen is ready to embrace life's opportunities fully. You've not only helped them conquer anxiety but have also laid the foundation for lasting success and well-being.

Sounds too good to be true?

It's not.

...I know because I’ve supported many parents to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to help their teens to recover from anxiety problems.


I can’t wait to show YOU how.

What Participants Say: 


"This course has literally changed my, and my families', life. There are less arguments and conflict in the house, and more connection and understanding. I am so happy I connected with Dr Beck and enrolled on the course - she has been so insightful into the hidden world of anxiety and teenager-hood. A wonderful, compassionate person, it has been a joy to learn from her and get to know her."

But wait, have we officially met?

Hey, I'm Dr Rebecca Mount! 

But please call me Beck. I'm a Mum to three children, a lover of the outdoors and nature (as long as this in done in some level of comfort), holiday maker, fan of good pub grub by a cosy fire and the odd glass of wine. 


... with a background as a Clinical Psychologist, my passion lies in helping teens conquer challenges with the support of their parents.


I'm here to guide you on this journey. With over twenty years of experience in child and adolescent mental health, I'm committed to empowering families to thrive together.


I’ve seen first-hand the difference parents can make to their teens journey of recovery.

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For over two decades, I've been immersed in the world of clinical psychology, specialising in children, teenagers, parents, and families. It's a path that has allowed me to witness the complexities of anxiety up close and personal, and it's a journey that has led me to create something truly transformative.


As a Clinical Psychologist, I've always strived to provide the best possible support to my clients, especially when anxiety is at the forefront of their lives. Yet, I couldn't help but notice a recurring pattern—an aspect where traditional approaches often fell short.


You see, anxiety is a formidable opponent, one that often affects not just the individual experiencing it but the entire family dynamic. Weekly sessions with the child alone, while valuable, sometimes left families feeling like they were missing a vital piece of the puzzle.

It was this realisation that sparked a significant shift in my approach.


I began to involve parents more deeply in the therapeutic process, recognising the profound impact they could have on their teen's journey to recovery.


What emerged from this shift was nothing short of extraordinary. I discovered that many parents, with the best of intentions, were employing conventional parenting techniques—strategies that, though well-meaning, often proved ineffective in addressing teen anxiety.


The missing link was clear: parents needed to be equipped with informed strategies, insights, and a deeper understanding of how anxiety truly works.


And so, Anxiety Allies was born—a comprehensive programme that empowers parents with the essential tools, knowledge, and skills they need to become effective anxiety allies for their teens. It's a framework that not only bridges the gap in traditional approaches but also paves the way for transformation, resilience, and well-being.


If your with me, now's the time to get excited because it's about to be ALL yours. 



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An all-encompassing teaching and support package designed to empower parents with the vital tools and strategies necessary for guiding their teens through the complexities of anxiety recovery. This transformative programme shifts the parenting experience from a state of helplessness to becoming anxiety-savvy. It nurtures resilience and well-being in both parents and teens, paving the way for a brighter future where teens can thrive in all aspects of their lives, now and moving forward.

How does Anxiety Allies help parents to face the challenge of parenting an anxious teen?

Anxiety Allies programme will take you on a journey away from being caught in The Anxiety Trap to becoming an anxiety-savvy parent. This journey is underpinned by a foundation module followed by essential three pillars, which are all part of the anxiety-allies path. These pillars incorporate clinically informed, evidence based practice.   


Pillar 3: THE BRANCHES AND LEAVES - Transform

Transform your parenting approach from feeling helpless and stuck to becoming an anxiety-savvy parent, fostering resilience and well-being in both you and your teen.



Pillar 2: THE TRUCK - Empower

Equip yourself with practical strategies and tools to empower your teen to manage anxiety and step into life with confidence.



Pillar 1: THE ROOTS - Understand

Gain deep insights into your teen's anxiety, fostering empathy, and understanding their challenges.


Foundation: THE SOIL - Comprehensive Communication Framework

Establish a strong foundation for effective communication, bridging the gap between you and your teen.

What Participants Say

I have enjoyed all of the course, every single teaching call and coaching call has been valuable. I started the course wanting to 'fix' my daughter and make everything better, and I now understand this isn't the way forward. Acceptance and understanding are the foundation of our relationship.
I think [the course content] has all been so interesting and enlightening!

Here's what's waiting for you inside of The Anxiety Allies Programme.....

The Curriculum:

The Anxiety-Allies Path 

  • The Modules and Lessons teach you just what you need to know so you understand and learn how to approach parenting your anxious teen with confidence.

  • The curriculum is taught in a way that allows you to apply the learning to the specific challenges your teen and you face 

  • Accessed online at anytime via The Anxiety Allies programme hub 

  • Lifetime access to curriculum

Value - £1000



Putting the fundamentals in place

Comprehensive Communication Framework: 

- Key skills to foster bring the communication gap
- How and when to talk to your teen




Knowing what you are facing is the start to doing something different

Module 1: 

- What is Anxiety? 
- Different Types of Anxiety Problems     


Module 2: 

- Looking After Yourselves


Module 3: 

- The Teenage Years (from a developmental point of view)

- Parent-Teen Bond





Putting skills and strategies into place

Module 4: 

- The Importance of Values

- Setting Goals


Module 5: 

- Coping Skills Framework







Moving forward, making progress, building long tern resilience


Module 6: 

- Creating a Supportive Environment


Module 7: 

-- Liaising with Others (e.g. school, CAMHS)


Module 8: 

- Pulling it All Together to Make Progress

- Life beyond anxiety


And you will be supported every step of the way with two parent-friendly features 

Weekly Coaching /Q&A sessions

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£1000 VALUE for lifetime access

Got questions along the way? (Of course you do!). That's where my live coaching /Q&A sessions come in.


Think of the weekly Q&A's as quick access psychology session where I answer your questions in a fast-paced video session.


The calls are live each week, but don’t worry if you can’t make it. You can always submit your question ahead of time and catch the recording later.

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Private Community

£800 value for lifetime access

Inside the Anxiety Allies Private Facebook group, you’ll connect with other parents on the programme to share wins, progress and problem solve difficulties as they arise. Learning from those going on the same journey is so value. You find you are not isolated or alone on the journey.

...and, get access to carefully chosen selection of resources. 

A range of workbooks and supportive prompt sheets to accompany each pillar of the programme

These simple resources have been carefully developed to support you to put the learning from every part of the journey into practice in your life and that of your teen 

£800 value




AROUND £3000





3 monthly payments of £185


Payment Options


  • Best value

  • Life-time access to curriculum

  • Weeks LIVE group Q&A session for parents

  • Private Parent Community 

  • Downloadable workbooks that allow you to put learning into practice

1 Payment of




save £60!


3 Payments of




  • Life-time access to curriculum

  • Weekly LIVE group Q&A session for parents

  • Private Parent Community 

  • Downloadable workbooks that allow you to put learning into practice

Love bonuses? 

Once you enrol, you will get access to over £500 worth of in programme bonuses to  make supporting your teen as quick an easy as possible. 

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A psychological assessment tool to measure type and severity anxiety symptoms

£200 value

  • The parent version of this questionnaire measure takes 5-10 minutes to complete electronically. 

  • Submit your answers and receive an email to find out what types of anxiety your teen is struggling with and how significant their symptoms are compared to other children their age. 

  • This assessment helps to deepen your knowledge of your teen's anxiety problem. 



Teen Empowerment Toolkit

£300 value

  • This resource-packed toolkit equips your teen with essential skills for confidence, resilience, and emotional well-being.

  • Designed to accompany the skills and strategies you will learn.



Bonus Training: Supporting Siblings

£200 value 

•  Considering wider family dynamics

•  Considering the impact on siblings

•  Tools and Strategies to support siblings

100% Risk Free

When you join Anxiety-Allies, you are welcomed into a space that’s got everything you need to reconnect with your teen, understand how anxiety is impacting on them, and how to coach your teen on a journey of recovery so they can reach their goals such as returning to school, spending time with friends, getting back to their life. You will be given the support and advice you need to confidently and compassionately help your teen on this journey. And the best part? This is a proven method based on psychological knowledge and research. I have helped many children, teens and parents using the tools in Anxiety Allies to break free of anxiety.


Even though I know this course is so valuable, you deserve the chance to join risk-free to see if it’s for you. If you don’t think it’s every bit as helpful as I’ve promised, simply request a refund within 60 days of purchase, and you’ll be refunded in full.


There are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove, and I won’t question you.

Are you ready to learn a different way of approaching the problems anxiety brings


with a psychology-informed approach containing live training, accompanying  workbooks,

live Q&A and coaching sessions​


...and a parent community cheering you on?

How you access the programme

As soon as you enrol, you’ll be provided a link to set your username and password to access to the course hub. When you view the programme you will see the welcome and foundation modules.


The following modules will be placed on the hub each week. This is done to ensure you have time to absorb and apply each valuable insight and strategy on your journey to becoming an anxiety-savvy parent.


In the Foundation Module, you’ll be invited to join my private parent Facebook group. On the hub you will find the link to the weekly live coaching sessions. 


From there we start learning, implementing and joining my weekly Q&A sessions for continued support and coaching! To start making a difference in your teen's and your family's lives.


Working Mom



  • Coaching slots happen on Fridays at 12.30 -1.30 pm (there is an ability to go over the hour if needed).

  • There will always be recordings available for all the sessions.

  • If you want to ask a question for the coaching slot, you can do that before hand and I’ll answer even if you cannot attend.

  • You also get support and can answer questions as part of the Facebook community.


You will be able access the coaching sessions whether at work or busy and for as long as you need them

(don't forget you get lifetime access).




Coast of Normandy

Ready to get started?

Gain immediate access to the first module of the Anxiety Allies path, join my private community and come to next weeks LIVE coaching call with me..


You are a parent of a child aged 12-18 years (if you teen is older please get in touch to discuss suitability)

You have observed your child struggling to do things such as going to school, enjoying time with family and friends and doing hobbies and activities.

Before problems related to anxiety came along, you would say you had a good relationship with your child.


You believe parents have a key role to play in the lives of teenagers.



You are looking for a way to connect with your teen around their anxiety challenge and are open to learning different ways you can support them. Your wish is to help them to get back to doing things that are important to them (e.g  school, spend time with family and friends and enjoy other activities). 



You believe all humans deserve to be treated equally and agree to be a part of our inclusive community where everyone is respected


You are committed and willing to learn about and then take the time and action to help your teen practice the skills needed to tackle anxiety. 



This isn't the programme for you if

You do not consider, as a parent, you have a vital role to play in your teen's recovery from anxiety. 


Your teen has experienced significant trauma in their lives such as emotional, physical or sexual abuse, recent or traumatic separation of parents. The content of the programme is suitable for young people with these needs but they are likely to have additional support needs which are beyond the scope of the programme and so I recommend young people with these experiences access CAMHS to receive support to process and overcome these concerns. 


Your teen has significant mental health challenges including disordered eating, self-harming, drugs or alcohol misuse. The content of the programme is suitable for young people with these needs but they are likely to have additional support needs which are beyond the scope of the programme and so I recommend accessing a Children's Mental Health Service (CAMHS) so that issues of risk can be appropriately assessed and managed.  



You are looking for direct support for your teen, rather than for yourself as a parent. 



Your teen has a diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental disorder such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The content of the programme is suitable for young people with these needs but they are likely to have additional support needs which are beyond the scope of the programme. If you do have support from elsewhere, this programme may well be a good addition. Please contact me for advise on whether this will be a good fit for you at



Your teen's anxiety appears specifically related to the loss of a significant person (grief). Teens who are grieving are likely to benefit from direct input specifically targeted towards this issue.



What kind of anxiety problems does the programme help with? â€‹


It is an approach that will work with a wide range of anxiety problems because it is based on tackling the underlying cause of the problem – your teen's cycle of anxiety using a process that is proven to work.


We work together to develop a specific plan for your teen's recovery from their anxiety. I have included an anxiety assessment in the programme so we can get to the bottom of your teen's specific problem.


So whether you teen has a phobia, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessional and compulsive disorder, health anxiety, social anxiety or separation anxiety - this programme is developed to help. It all starts with understanding your teen's specific problems and this happens in the parenting and perceive phases.

My child won't talk to me about their anxiety, should I still join?




One of the FIRST things you will do is learn how to approach your teen to have conversations about anxiety and build a positive connection. You learn how to form a team with your teen to support them through their recovery from anxiety. 

My child's anxiety mainly effects school. Is there any point me joining as what can I do as a parent? 


Absolutely, there's a lot you can do to support your anxious teen even if it is all about school. Your influence as a parent is profound, and it can make all the difference to their outcome.


Through the programme you will learn how to have conversations about the anxiety to gain a deeper understanding, how communicate and advocate for your teen with school to develop an intervention plan that has an increased chance of succeeding as it will be aligned with your teens goals and wishes. 

My child is already receiving input, can I do the programme alongside this? 


Yes. This programme will help you as a parent support your teen at home. This is often the missing element in individual support and will allow you to complement this input at home. 

What if my child refuses help and support, is there any point joining?  

Yes, this is not a programme for young people and so they do not need to take part directly.


The first phase of the programme will teach you how to re-connect with your teen, bring them on side and form a team. This is the foundation of the programme and I will support you to make this happen before you move onto the next phase to start addressing the anxiety problems themselves.

What kind of time commitment is needed to get results from the programme?

You complete the programme at your own pace - you have lifetime access. To complete the programme within eight weeks, I recommend allocating two hours to absorb the course content and take part in the coaching sessions. â€‹


The investment is then putting the learning into practice as part of a regaining your rewarding relationship with your teen as a foundation to support them on their journey. Therefore, you do need to be prepared to invest time to connect with your teen and persevere with this until you form a team together.

My child has been struggling for quite some time. Does this mean it has gone on for too long to benefit from parent support? 


No, the programme is developed to help with mild to moderate anxiety no matter how long it has been around.


The severity of type of anxiety is assessed as part of programme, and so we will develop a good understanding of your teen's struggles before mapping out goals and moving towards these.  

My child seems to have some depression alongside anxiety, it is okay for me to take part in the programme.


Yes, it is quite common for teens with anxiety problems to have difficulty with low mood. This tends to come from the fact they do less and less and feel  worse and worse about themselves. As you work through the programme you will enable your teen to identify goals that are important to them and you will support them to start moving towards these. In my experience, the low mood starts to lift as young people start to do more and develop their confidence to do even more. 

What if I find out that my child is presenting with risky behaviours as we go through the programme?


The programme is not designed to be able to manage issues of risk for someone who is presenting with self-harming behaviour, eating disorders or drug or alcohol misuse. If you become aware of these issues during the course of the programme, it will be necessary for you to contact your GP to access the appropriate level of support. I will be available for you to consider additional options for support. 

Can me and my partner both take part? 


Yes. When you join, you will received one log in per family but you can both use this to log in and access the course materials.


It can be helpful if all adults have an appreciation for the approach being taken to recover from anxiety. 

In case you're wondering, here's how Anxious Allies stacks up against other support that's available out there..

Typical support offered to teen and parents for anxiety

(e.g. via CAMHS, school or individual counsellors)

Support targeted towards the young person. May not routinely include support for parents


If parents are included, support tends to be limited sharing particular strategies


Support available at particular appointment times only

Cannot be accessed by young people who do not agree to take part, who refuse help. 



If anxiety difficulties return in the future, as a parent you are left to consider a referral to for your child. 



Can prove difficult as a parent to directly access advice from the provider of the support as and when required



Can feel isolated as a parent as there is no community provision for parents. It is hard to talk to family and friends if they don't understand



Tends to include one particular approach at a time e.g. CBT 


Anxiety Allies

Targeted support for parents is the core component 



Forming a team with your teen and building you confidence to work with your teen are core to the programme's success.


Young people access support indirectly through their relationship with their parents


No waiting. Access teaching and support at a time

​convenient to you. All LIVE sessions are recorded.


Weekly Q&A calls provide an opportunity to access a psychologist and get your questions answered when you need them.


Parents are equipped with the skills to support their teens and so are in a position to offer ongoing support if anxiety raises it's head again in the future, without the need to go back for a referral. 



Informed by range of psychological evidence based approaches combined to specifically address the symptoms of anxiety

Join a community of parents where you are all working towards the same goal of skilling-up your teen up to tackle anxiety. You are likely to come across similar challenges along the way. Community provides to opportunity for support from these parents so you can learn from each other as well as a psychologist, what works.  


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Ready to get started?



3 Payments of



Payment Options


1 Payment of




save £60!

  • Best value

  • Life-time access to curriculum

  • Weekly LIVE group Q&A session for parents

  • Private Parent Community 

  • Downloadable workbooks that allow you to put learning into practice

  • BONUS: Anxiety assessment

  • BONUS: Teen Empowerment Toolkit

  • BONUS: Sibling 

  • Life-time access to curriculum

  • Weekly LIVE group Q&A session for parents

  • Private Parent Community

  • Downloadable workbooks that allow you to put learning into practice

  • BONUS: Anxiety assessment

  • BONUS: Teen Empowerment Toolkit

  • BONUS: Sibling 

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Let's work together to create a real difference in your teen's life 

​An all-encompassing teaching and support package designed to empower parents with the vital tools and strategies necessary for guiding their teens through the complexities of anxiety recovery. This transformative programme shifts the parenting experience from a state of helplessness to becoming anxiety-savvy. It nurtures resilience and well-being in both parents and teens, paving the way for a brighter future where teens can thrive in all aspects of their lives, now and moving forward.

Want to chat it through? Get in touch:




Any descriptions of positive outcomes or examples shown through our website are only possibilities of what might be possible for you or your teen now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular emotional, behavioural or practical outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not clinically responsible for the well-being of your teen, the success or failure of your teen's journey to overcome anxiety, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results and the results of your teen.



I present testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my service for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, and examples are from actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.


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